Facebook Fan Pages

Facebook Fan Pages


Are you a chiropractor that is confused about Facebook and what you should be doing with it? Do you have a chiropractic Facebook Fan Page? At Inception we take over all the confusing work for you. In this article I’ll walk you through the does and don’ts, but remember we will be doing all the work for you.

Many doctors that we work with are confused about what a Fan Page actually is? When you sign up for Facebook you get a personal profile page. This is the place where you can connect with your friends and colleagues. Some people use this for their business, but it is really not meant for that purpose.

Facebook also set a system of Fan Pages. Fan Pages are there for you to display any businesses or groups that you would like to create. Fan Pages can also rank organically in the many search engines while personal profile pages do not.

The Keys to Success:

  1. You should have some customization done on your page. Facebook give you some decent tools to do this, but a trained designer can add more flare. Our designers at Inception Chiropractic Websites create custom backgrounds for each of our clients.
  2. You have to get patients to “Like” your page. The more likes you have and the more popular your page becomes the more you will get out of it. At Inception we have helped a number of clients build very successful pages. We share all our best ideas with your close network of clients.
  3. The final key is that you need to be doing regular social media posting. Our clients enjoy high quality posts multiple times each week. We will help you to engage your audience.

Have our team at Inception Online Marketing build you a personalized Facebook Fan Page today.